Sunday, February 7, 2010

Bread? Part II

I thought I would give the ol' bread baking another try yesterday. It went pretty well. I was nearing the end of the process. I had divided my dough into two loaves. One was slightly bigger than the other, but they both looked like loaves. I placed the two pans on the oven rack. As I was sliding the rack in, I saw that the rack above was close to touching the bread pans. I thought "I should lower this rack." So I stopped pushing the rack in and reversed its direction. The bread pans continued in their original direction. They slid off the end of the rack, landing with a resounding "thud" on the oven floor. The loaves collapsed. I thought I can either wait a couple of hours for the dough to rise again or I can just bake these bad boys as they are. I baked them. The loaves were about 2 inches thick. I sliced them lengthwise into three pieces, then cut each crosssection into two pieces. They turned out about the right size for sandwiches. Tasty.
One of these days, I'll get it right.


Jenn said... i have to bake bread!

Tio Bruno said...

Maybe you should teach me about forming loaves!