Thursday, December 10, 2009

Fun At Work

There are a couple of people that I work with that abuse the break/lunch policy. I don't mind people taking a few extra minutes. Heck, I'll even put up with 10 extra minutes most of the time. But these guys were doubling their allowed times. So it came to a small head. Somebody (not me) complained to the supervisor about it, and he mentioned it to the group as a whole: Watch your break times, because if you don't I will! So one of the guilty parties responded by not covering for others when they went to break. Including me. I got refused when I asked. I have not asked since. I got the silent treatment for a couple of weeks. Boo hoo. Last week she came in and was sweet as pie. It was like nothing happened. I was polite to her, but not friendly as I have been in the past. She brought me in a home-made tamal. If you know me, you know how much I love tamales. I told her it was good and was polite to her, but not as friendly as I have been in the past. Later that day she told me she was sorry she only brought me one and would bring me a dozen this coming week. I think I like having her trying to get back in my good graces. I love my job!


Leah said...

It's all becoming clear to me now. You're just pretending to be so mean so that you can get free tamales from people! My question is why does she want to get back in your good graces so badly?

Tio Bruno said...

That's not what is important here. The only thing that matters are tamales. Home made. Delicious. And I'm not "pretending" to be mean. I am mean! I'm being indifferent in this case though.

Natalie Jane said...

Don't let him fool you. It's all an act. Just give the guy a tamale, and his true colors will show.

Tio Bruno said...

I have some very yummy pork tamales in my fridge, along with some dessert tamales. Strawberry and pineapple filled. Oh, yeah!

Miranda W. said...

Hmmm...I've never tried dessert tamales. Then again, I had my first one only months ago in Texas. I'm with Leah, though. It's so not worth sharing tamales.