There are a couple of people that I work with that abuse the break/lunch policy. I don't mind people taking a few extra minutes. Heck, I'll even put up with 10 extra minutes most of the time. But these guys were doubling their allowed times. So it came to a small head. Somebody (not me) complained to the supervisor about it, and he mentioned it to the group as a whole: Watch your break times, because if you don't I will! So one of the guilty parties responded by not covering for others when they went to break. Including me. I got refused when I asked. I have not asked since. I got the silent treatment for a couple of weeks. Boo hoo. Last week she came in and was sweet as pie. It was like nothing happened. I was polite to her, but not friendly as I have been in the past. She brought me in a home-made tamal. If you know me, you know how much I love tamales. I told her it was good and was polite to her, but not as friendly as I have been in the past. Later that day she told me she was sorry she only brought me one and would bring me a dozen this coming week. I think I like having her trying to get back in my good graces. I love my job!