Friday, September 12, 2008

A Blast From The Past

When Natalie went away to Texas, I signed up on FaceBook to keep up with her antics. I haven't used it very much since. I'm too old (and grumpy) for these social networking sites. So I was goofing off at work today and I had an e-mail from a girl I knew on my mission lo these many years ago. She saw my Simpsonized avatar on FaceBook and just knew it had to be me. After 30 years? Do I really look like this? I was surprised, and now we have some catching up to do.

1 comment:

Leah said...

Yeah, Facebook weirds me out, too. I don't know how to use 90% of it, and I get all these peeps who wouldn't want to be my friend in High School now sending me friend requests. And, yes, you really do look like that.